Monday, April 18, 2011

The Smiling Response

She wanted to perform a ceremony for the artist she loved. Be where the bombs are falling. Spend the whole day preparing for her nightly adventure. Bath in odoriferous jasmin water sprinkled with aromatic compounds and colour herself in coracias war paint looking like an afterparty of Cité Soleil. 


She began trying out different nail polishes before washing her face. Her every action was to reflect beauty, each object that touched her body to initial the purest perfection turning her in to a sexual capital. The average French woman spends two million euros on her looks during a lifetime. This day she would invest every thought of her mindstream in becoming a salient of Nyx, creating hyperosmia and emotional delirium for everyone that met her eyes or inhaled her aphrodisiac odour. This olfactory experience would present them with more than an undifferentiated smudge of properties. It was an aromatic elixir that could guide unseen actions and behavior.

After settling on ruby red Nefertiti nails, she began putting on her face. The autumn-brown rouge powder would reconstruct her soft see-through skin, like a restoration of a renaissance oil painting. Nude Chanel foundation decorated her cheeks. Shisiedo mascara, a dark rigger and Yves Saint Lauren Morié eyeliner would reshape her oculi into a walking holiday. From dreamy to dramatic. This being a crucial shape shifting, considering the tension of her nightly visit.

She celebrated her averageness in a strapless Oscar de la Renta draped bow silk dress and knee-high Sarrieri stockings. Then she turned her attention towards her often played perfume organ; Jean Marie Farina, Prince Douka, L'Heure Bleue, Opium, Bal à Versailles. Her eyes stopped languorously, staring at the inky bottle of Caron's 1911 Narcisis Noir. This was an invitation to succumb to a swirl of intoxicating florals. A sweet musky femininity with a wisp of smoke and orange flower. This smell echoes a night in the shape of Lilith. It is blessed with the sort of melancholy and mystery that will make a night memorably difficult for everyone around it. Even the Elnett Satin hairspray, that itches your nostrils like teargas, could not break the stream of molecules setting off from the dark crystal bottle.

She knew that this dainty odorant was only a modification of her consciousness, a qualitative condition, lingering uselessly in her mind without representing anything. Olfactory experience predicates properties of objects but is otherwise silent on the nature of the olfactory object in question. The Marseille lavender soap, Tracie Marty electrical skin cream, Kanebo body lotion, silicate lipstick and Giana Rose green tea foot-soap was not the smell of her. It was worn for the pleasures of others. The rose does not smell 'of' anything. It is the source of a vaporous emanation, sensed by neurons in the olfactory epithelium. It solely represents sensations, and this was all she needed. A distinct perception of proximal stimuli representing objects of potential adaptive significance. Olfactory properties do not have the kind of relational structure enjoyed by color. Perceiving the perfumes on her lowboy, she could easily separate the bottles.Understand their unique arrangement and determine their exact location, shapes, height and colors. Olfactory experience does not, like visual perception, present properties at a determinate locations in our surroundings - it does something else.

Her smell was to be more than a cluster of associations to a bare sensation. The analyze of an odor are distinguished and selective - man smells what interest him. This kind of fragrance gives birth to unknown fidelity. It is a vital component of our episodic memory and triggers forgotten mental images. The limbic system develops from this ancient sense, which has privileged access to primitive parts of our consciousness and subconscious otherwise hidden from the rest of the sensory system.

She put on her peccary leather gloves and strapped her suede Giuseppe Zanotti sandals. Then she left her seraglio wearing a cape of lipophilic compounds crowned with a horn of a Javan Rhinoceros. From her neck was a veil of androstenol and aphrodisiac aromatic pearls. She felt reborn and smiled like a nun remembering a romance she had as a young woman before entering the sisterhood. Passing a fresh puddle she hesitated and glimpsed at the glassy surface. From the pool she saw two eyes smiling at her like twin stars. She leaned down and tried to kiss these perfect lips. Her Hérmes silk scarf and silicate Guerlain only met the smudgy spring water. Then she pulled up her dress and from her knees she reached out and tried to embrace this vision of beauty. It fled at the touch, but returned again after a moment and renewed the fascination.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Guide for the Perplexed II

Second encounter takes place April 4th near the train station while we are both waiting for the line 14.

”Look at that, fake fucking emeralds.”
”I use to be a gemologist you know,
the word emerald just means green can you believe that?”
”Once they shined with importans
and now they don't.”
”Just like REFLECTORS.”
”Alienated, misunderstood, idealist, blarrr..!”
”Their own fault if you ask me, fucking arbiters
hiding in their self-destructed exile,
camouflaged in maybes, expert opinions and para psychology.”
”The guerrillas of conciseness MUST return from their high hills.”
”What else is to become of us my friend?”
♫ Netherless to say
that man has had his day
now he's being pushed and pimp around ♫
”DOUBT is what this country is missing,
a thousand barrels of truths should be thrown in your canals.”
”You do so much education here,
that you stop questioning your surroundings.”
”Politician, priests, parents, panels and pornstars...”
”The authority's in this society,
is as one-sided as a gangrape.”
”And WHY?”
”You are being taught everything, but act as if you live in a spiritual third world country.”
”Huhk huhk!”
”Sorry, but this bus driver is as skewed as I am.”
”I'll leave you to it,

♫ Netherless to say
that MAN has had his day
now he's being pushed and pimped around
Netherless to say
why my world IS grey
now that lust is free and love is BOUND ♫

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Guide for the Perplexed

This is an out take of an encounter I had with a stranger who approached me on a bus in Copenhagen.
He did not introduce himself, all I know of him are these sixteen sentences.  

“They are good right, the words.”
“Hah! Important I tell you.”
“Like cannonballs.”
“If you polish and shape them correctly,
 they can bring down towers of ideas.”
“You are young, you need the words,”
 and they need you.”
“The only feeling that has appeared to survive this century - is self pity.”
“Poetry, philosophy, psychology, mythology, theology, history…”
“It strengthens the mind, like muscles holding a falling building.”
“Keep thinking in feelings, keep polishing your words,
 don’t look at me son,
 I’m no sight of inspiration.”
“Bye my friend, this is my stop
 - Not yours.“

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Water of the Fort

 My home has left me
 It packed my memories of comfort
 Feelings of predictability
 And left without a warning

 Before leaving
 It hid my trust in people
 Pleasures of doing nothing
 Excitement of a fireplace

 I am to blame
 For months I forgot to feed it my thoughts
 I blamed it for my mistakes 
 Dammed it for my loss of passion

 It flees my disappointment
 Like Atlantis it has chosen to disappear
 Because I displaced its glory
 It sinks my imagination