Monday, March 21, 2011

The Guide for the Perplexed II

Second encounter takes place April 4th near the train station while we are both waiting for the line 14.

”Look at that, fake fucking emeralds.”
”I use to be a gemologist you know,
the word emerald just means green can you believe that?”
”Once they shined with importans
and now they don't.”
”Just like REFLECTORS.”
”Alienated, misunderstood, idealist, blarrr..!”
”Their own fault if you ask me, fucking arbiters
hiding in their self-destructed exile,
camouflaged in maybes, expert opinions and para psychology.”
”The guerrillas of conciseness MUST return from their high hills.”
”What else is to become of us my friend?”
♫ Netherless to say
that man has had his day
now he's being pushed and pimp around ♫
”DOUBT is what this country is missing,
a thousand barrels of truths should be thrown in your canals.”
”You do so much education here,
that you stop questioning your surroundings.”
”Politician, priests, parents, panels and pornstars...”
”The authority's in this society,
is as one-sided as a gangrape.”
”And WHY?”
”You are being taught everything, but act as if you live in a spiritual third world country.”
”Huhk huhk!”
”Sorry, but this bus driver is as skewed as I am.”
”I'll leave you to it,

♫ Netherless to say
that MAN has had his day
now he's being pushed and pimped around
Netherless to say
why my world IS grey
now that lust is free and love is BOUND ♫